You can find out how flexibly OfficeMaster can be used from the stories of our customers. More than 50,000 companies with around 5 million users now rely on solutions from Ferrari electronic.

EUROVIA converts 37 locations to Skype telephony in 12 months.
There are around 13,000 kilometers of freeway in Germany. EUROVIA has built or modernized many of them. The group of companies is part of the international VINCI Group and has almost 40 main sites in Germany. For a long time, the decentralized structure was also reflected in the ITC: the approximately 1,200 employees affected by the changeover communicated via different telecommunications systems and used - depending on the department - the colorful variety of different manufacturer solutions from fax to video telephony. The introduction of the UC solution Microsoft Lync should drastically simplify this.

Süddeutsche Gelenkscheibenfabrik relies on the flexible UC solutions from Ferrari electronic
Car manufacturers need highly available communication and efficient infrastructure for their just-in-time production. They also expect the same from suppliers and partners. For this reason, Süddeutsche Gelenkscheibenfabrik, a recognized partner of the global automotive industry, has opted for a new ITC system. Together with Sycor and Ferrari electronic, the Waldkraiburg-based company not only modernized its telephony, but also made the entire communications infrastructure more efficient with a flexible unified communications solution.

Call recording solution enables MiFID II-compliant investment advice at GLS Bank
Like all banks, GLS Bank faced the challenge last year of having to record advisory conversations on securities investments. Since January 3, 2018, banks have been obliged to record and archive every customer telephone call made by a financial advisor. The background to this is the EU Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II), which aims to provide better investor protection and greater transparency. The aim is to make the costs of an investment more comprehensible for consumers.
Your proof of the success of our solutions
You can find out how flexibly OfficeMaster can be used from the stories of our customers. More than 50,000 companies with around 5 million users now rely on solutions from Ferrari electronic. Our customer base consists of organizations from all industries and of all sizes - here is an excerpt for you.
Industry and trade
3M Deutschland AG, ABB Alstom Power, ABB Kraftwerke Berlin, ADAC e.V., AEG Schienenfahrzeuge, Aichinger Ladenbau, AIDA Cruises, Aktion Mensch, Allweiler, Apollinaris & Schweppes, ARAL, Asklepios Kliniken, AUDI AG, Axel Springer Verlag, Bacardi, BASF AG, Behring-Werke, Berentzen, Bertelsmann, Biotronik, Blohm+Voss, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG, Brockhaus, Brother International, CAS Software, Caterpillar, Ceyonic AG, CMS Hasche Sigle, CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz, Daimler Chrysler AG, Danzas Deutschland, Degussa, Deutsche Bahn AG, Deutsche Sporthilfe, Deutsche Telekom AG, Dornier GmbH, Dr. Oetker, Dt. Rockwool, EDEKA Handelsgesellschaft, E-Plus, EUROVIA GmbH, Faurecia Autositze, FEGRO/SELGROS, Fleurop, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Frosta, Geberit, Gerling, German Parcel, Gildemeister, Gold Pfeil AG, Goodyear Haniel, Görtz, Hapag-Lloyd, Haubenberger, Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG, Henkel, Hermann-Gmeiner Fonds Deutschland, Hipp, Hoechst AG, Honda Motor Europe, IFO Institut, IKON, Infineon Technologies, Infomaterial Zentrum Bayern (IZB), Ingram Macrotron, Johanniter Unfallhilfe, KathreinWerke, Kloppenburg, Knipex, Krauss-Maffei, Kühne & Nagel, Kulmbacher Brauerei AG, Leica, L‘Oréal, MAN Roland AG, Maritim Hotelgesellschaft, Maschinenfabrik Rheinhausen, Matrazen Concord, Max Planck Institut, Medoil GmbH, Melitta, Miserior, Motorpresse Verlag Stuttgart, MTl micro Technology, Münchener Zeitungsverlag, NEC Electronic Europe, NEOPLAN, Nestle,, Nordenia Deutschland, Nürnberg Messe, ORGA Kartensysteme, OSI Food Solutions, Osram, Österreichische Bundesbahn, Österreichisches Rote Kreuz, Pearl, Peugeot, Procter & Gamble AG, RA-MICRO Software mbH, Ravensburger Spiele, Recticel, Reemtsma, REWE, Rhenus, Rudolf Haufe Verlag, Sanyo Energy (Europe), Schenker, Schering AG, Schindler Aufzüge, Schott Zwiesel, Schweizerische Bundesbahn, Schwörer Haus, Siemens AG, S-Immobilien, Spiegel TV, Stiebel Eltron, Tchibo, ThyssenKrupp, Triumph International, Unger Flugreisen, Vodafone Information Services, Vogel Verlag, Volkswagen, Yaskawa Electric Europe
Banks and insurances
AOK, ASU Arbeitsgemeinschaft selbständiger Unternehmer e.V., Bank für Arbeit und Wirtschaft AG (BAWAG), Bayerische Landesbank, Commerzbank AG, DAK, Dresdner Bank, Gesellschaft für Zahlungssysteme, HDI, Investitionsbank Berlin, Landesversicherungsanstalt Lübeck, Landesversicherungsanstalt Sachsen, Landesversicherungsanstalt Schleswig-Holstein, Österreichische Nationalbank, SEB Hypobank, Slowakische Nationalbank, Sparkasse Schleswig-Flensburg, Techniker Krankenkasse, TELA Versicherung, VISA Austria
Authorities, education and administration
AKH Wien, Auswärtiges Amt, Bundesinnungsgruppe Wien, Bundespatentgericht, Bundespräsidialamt, Bundespresseamt, Bundestagsfraktion des CDU/CSU, Bundestagsfraktion der SPD, European School for Management and Technology, Fachhochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, Gemeindewerke Wendelstein, Handwerkskammer München, Hessisches Kultusministerium, Hessischer Rundfunk, IHK Bodensee-Oberschwaben, alle Justizeinrichtungen in Nordrhein-Westfalen, Jugend und Familie Schleswig Holstein, KRZ Lemgo, LSKN Landesbetrieb für Statistik, Ministerium des Innern und Sport Rheinland-Pfalz, Ministerium der Justiz Rheinland-Pfalz, Ministerium der Justiz, Polizeidirektion Oberbayern, Polizeidirektion Flughafen München, RFZ Rechenzentrum des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, Stadt Frankfurt und zahlreiche andere Stadtverwaltungen, Technisches Polizeiamt Sachsen-Anhalt, TU Chemnitz, Universität Stuttgart, Verdi, zahlreiche Handwerkskammern, zahlreiche Industrie- und Handelskammern, zahlreiche Landratsämter
Which solution is right for you?
With NGDX, you can exchange documents quickly, securely and traceably - as easily as an email, as reliably as a fax. Unified Communications combines all your communication channels in one platform, making collaboration easier and speeding up processes. And thanks to unified messaging, you have all messages - whether e-mail, fax or SMS - clearly organized in one place. Rely on modern solutions for efficient, secure and digital communication!
Solutions for industries that require secure and efficient communication, such as finance, healthcare, government and industry, provide secure document exchange, compliant communication and regulatory compliance.
Unified Communications
The technologies offer secure communication, efficient document exchange, unified communications, fax, VoIP and call recording. They meet regulatory requirements and ensure the protection of sensitive data.
Unified Messaging
With its Unified Messaging, Ferrari electronic offers a reliable solution for the secure exchange of documents - based on over 30 years of experience and technological leadership in the fax sector. We develop high-performance solutions for the requirements of tomorrow.

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