NGDX - The technology to exchange documents securely.

Legally and tamper-proof, machine-readable and color-fast - take your document and information management to a new level. 

Your information and document management reaches a new level of quality

NGDX transmits documents in the original, in color and with all content. Received and sent digital documents can be read by people and machines and can be automatically captured or processed with document processing systems seamlessly and without media discontinuity.

Why Ferrari electronic

OfficeMaster Suite 8 has features that make digital document exchange even more secure, user-friendliness even greater and work processes even more efficient

The NGDX-standard

This is what's inside

Strengthen the trust of your business partners and minimize risks: With the new Next Generation Document Exchange (NGDX) standard, you can communicate and archive in a legally compliant manner. Both internally and across sectors with other organizations and companies. 

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Application for NGDX

The encryption technologies of the Next Generation Document Exchange standard provide the answer: On the one hand, the transport route of the document can be encrypted, and on the other, the document itself. Trust, sensitivity and data security are three key issues when it comes to modern communication solutions.

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Maximum data security

Tamper-proof document exchange is achieved through hashes that uniquely identify each file. Even the smallest changes alter the hash value and make tampering immediately visible - for maximum data security.

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efficient and legally secure

Whether electronic invoice receipt, invoice verification, invoice approval or invoice dispatch: With the new NGDX standard (Next Generation Document Exchange) for digital document exchange, you can optimize your electronic invoice processing and streamline your invoice workflow.

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Digital Workflow

Business Process Management

Exchanging documents digitally in a legally compliant manner - the demands of digitalization are changing the world of communication. If you want to secure your competitive position, you need new strategies for using digital technologies. The use of hybrid document formats is one of them.

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And much more


The mostly unloved and therefore often neglected filing of documents offers a broad field for the automation of processes. A document exchange system frees employees from this task as much as possible. All documents that have been transferred in accordance with modern standards are machine-readable.

Always and everywhere

Safety standards for the hybrid working world

If companies opt for a hybrid employment model, this must not be at the expense of compliance and data protection. The same security standards must apply to mobile working and office presence. An important building block for this is the document transfer, which is often used as a potential entry point for malware.

Secure digital communication already reaches its limits in e-mail traffic, as documents can easily be manipulated in transit between sender and recipient. The OfficeMaster Suite 8 from Ferrari electronic closes this gap. The “Next Generation Document Exchange” (NGDX) feature lays the foundation for legally compliant, tamper-proof, GDPR-compliant digital document transfer.

That's why NGDX

It's the better way for direct end-to-end business customer communication!

Next Generation Document Exchange combines the positive features of fax and e-mail while maintaining the legal security of fax and also offering backward compatibility with classic fax.

Security by checking the transferred documents when using the process is an important aspect.

NGDX offers enormous potential for the future thanks to advancing digitization and the possibility of document encryption and tamper-proof hashing.

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Dropbox, SharePoint Online, iCloud, ....

Advantages over cloud storage spaces

A central instance is always required. Notifications about the receipt of messages must be set up individually. Proof of receipt of a document is completely missing. These programs perform their service in the exchange of various files within a team or a closed user group.

NGDX offers significantly greater security by restricting the types of documents transferred and does not require a central instance.

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Direct peer-to-peer connection!

Advantages over e-mail

When sending messages via NGDX, a direct end-to-end connection is established between the participants. The transfer only starts when the other party agrees to receive the message. The e-mail, on the other hand, is routed to another e-mail server via various hops.

A qualified transmission report is available, which is only issued after a successful transmission.

The transmission is considered to be identical to the document. In the case of emails, only the attachments are transmitted in their original format. The cover letter, which often also contains relevant information, is scaled or displayed individually on each device, possibly depending on the resolution and other open apps.

NGDX offers significantly greater security by restricting the types of documents transferred.

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Advantages compared to fax

  • simple – Many people think of analog paper fax machines when they think of fax, NGDX and even modern IP fax solutions are far removed from this and are much easier to use thanks to deep integration into internal customer systems.
  • fast – In IP environments, NGDX is significantly faster than the classic fax.
  • color and high resolution – The original documents are sent so that they are completely identical to those initially sent.
  • truly document-proof – The documents are retained. With fax, several documents are merged into one longer document; with NGDX, several documents can be transmitted in one process.
The OfficeMaster Suite in detail

A brief overview of the highlights of the OfficeMaster Suite and NGDX

With the OfficeMaster Suite 8, you can combine your e-mail system with NGDX, fax, SMS and voicemail into a single unified communications solution. By using the existing infrastructure for storing and configuring user data, not only access to these asynchronous services is standardized, but all administrative access is also guaranteed via familiar channels.

GDPR-compliant Always on the safe side
Secure certificates SSL/TLS as essential components
Support of PDF and ZUGFeRD 2.1 Storage of documents

One for all and all for one.

Goodbye beA, ePost letter and eArztbrief: These isolated solutions are used specifically by individual professional groups such as doctors or lawyers for communication. There was no standard that allowed the professional groups to communicate with each other in a legally secure manner.

NGDX puts an end to thinking in terms of isolated solutions: it is based on a current standard of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). It enables senders and receivers to exchange information securely and in any form across all sectors.

From doctor to lawyer and back: NGDX is the standard to send documents in a legally secure manner across all sectors.


For the 5th time in a row: Readers' Choice Award eGovernment - Municipal Solutions SILVER

The OfficeMaster Suite from Ferrari electronic takes communication in public administration to a new level! The innovative document exchange solution NGDX, Next Generation Document Exchange, guarantees legal security and confidentiality in correspondence through encryption and protection against manipulation.

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Stephan Leschke
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