Document exchange at the highest security level: simple, fast, encrypted - naturally GDPR-compliant.
Integrated working with unified communications
OfficeMaster Suite 8 connects existing e-mail systems with the communication channels Next Generation Document Exchange (NGDX), fax, voicemail and SMS to create an intelligent unified communications solution.
It ensures tamper-proof and legally compliant document transfer in IP environments, connects employees across locations and lays the foundation for further processing of digital documents in document management systems.
What is new?
Version 8 of the OfficeMaster Suite offers more options for enriching documents and supporting digital processes than ever before. This includes these new features in particular:

Convinces customers and business partners - across all sectors.
For a long time, there was hardly any alternative to fax for the loss-free, verifiable and direct transmission of documents. It is legally secure thanks to the OK note and transmission journal, accepted worldwide and capable of overcoming even poor telephone lines. In addition, it does not transmit any active content, so that malware has no chance - a major advantage over e-mail. This technology, based on current ITU standards, has been consistently developed further for a transmission method that is innovative, future-proof and can be used across all industries: NGDX.
Safety standards for the hybrid working world
If companies opt for a hybrid employment model, this must not be at the expense of compliance and data protection. The same security standards must apply to mobile working and office presence. An important building block is the document transfer, which is often used as a potential gateway for malware.
Secure digital communication already reaches its limits in e-mail traffic, as documents can easily be manipulated in transit between sender and recipient. The OfficeMaster Suite 8 from Ferrari electronic closes this gap. The “Next Generation Document Exchange” (NGDX) feature lays the foundation for legally compliant, tamper-proof, GDPR-compliant digital document transfer.
The solution for smooth communication with diverse requirements and framework conditions.
Customized communication for your industry - Our solutions integrate seamlessly into your processes and increase efficiency and security.