Logistics: Exchange documents in a legally compliant and tamper-proof manner
Digital and legally secure

Optimal use of digital processes - efficient handling of documents in the supply chain process

There are an infinite number of documents in the logistics supply chain process: incoming goods, unloading, picking, storage, order processing, outgoing goods and many more. The seamless and traceable handling of documents within logistics is a guarantee of success. Digitalization is therefore also advancing in this industry, but there are still documents that are filled out manually. Automated processes and data formats help to make the exchange of documents more efficient.

Further advantages at a glance

NGDX in the logistics sector

  • Transfer of all inactive PDF content, e.g. color, metadata
  • No transmission of potentially harmful, active content such as hyperlinks or applications
  • End-to-end transmission of all documents
  • Confirmation of receipt of the complete and unaltered contents
  • High transmission speed
  • Regardless of the device
  • Downward compatibility with the fax server
  • Fax documents can be read out via OCR
Leverage advantages, digitize processes

Using the advantages of the OfficeMaster Suite effectively

The Bitkom E-Logistics and Digital Supply Chain working group has launched a practical trial:

Practical trial - standardized and seamless document exchange?

With the help of digital technologies such as GPS trackers and data platforms, the transportation of a container from the manufacturer in Germany via Bremerhaven and Portugal to Vancouver in Canada was tracked. The result: Documents were exchanged at ten points. Six of the documents were made available in electronic and machine-readable form; seven on paper or in an electronic format such as PDF, which is easy for humans to read but is only suitable for data processing to a limited extent. In three places, documents were passed on in both formats. “Logistics already relies heavily on digital technologies, but silo thinking still prevails too often. IT systems often run in parallel and there is no complete data exchange,” says Florian Lange, Retail and Logistics Officer at Bitkom. For optimal digitalization of the supply chain, innovative solutions for secure and traceable document exchange are needed in addition to the willingness of the companies involved to pass on documents to partners. 

The OfficeMaster Suite provides a corresponding all-in-one solution. The software combines the company's existing e-mail system with the communication channels Next Generation Document Exchange (NGDX), fax, voicemail and SMS to create an intelligent unified communications solution. The result is tamper-proof document exchange and the ability to automate time-consuming manual processes.

Automated further processing

NGDX is also able to transfer hybrid documents - documents that can be read by both humans and machines. The data is therefore available digitally and in a form that can be understood by all IT systems. If NGDX is linked to a BPM system, the transferred documents can be automatically captured, content extracted and further process steps, such as storing information in data platforms or ERP systems, can be initiated. The documents can then be processed without media disruptions or integrated into BPM systems. Isolated solutions become obsolete and loss-free, cross-company and cross-border document exchange in the logistics sector becomes possible. The best prerequisites and an important step towards a complete, digital supply chain. 

Icon Sender

Communicate without data loss

If you send a document from Outlook, for example, the NGDX server transmits it as a PDF that can be read and processed by people and machines. And without compressing or losing data in the process. The PDF can then be archived automatically. Now you can start further processes for processing the documents.

Icon Empfänger

Automated further processing possible

You receive and edit the PDF document sent from Outlook in the system of your choice. After receiving the document, you can process it automatically. If you are not using NGDX, you will receive the document as a digital fax, which you can then read out using OCR. You can then process it further.